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Western Han Dynasty Round Carving Hetian Yellow Jade Pig


  Height 2.9, length 12, width 2.5 cm

  Unearthed from the Han Tomb in Wangtuanzhuang, Haizhou District, Lianyungang City in 1962

  This group of topaz pigs is the only topaz pig of the Han Dynasty found in China. The jade pig is commonly known as the holding pig and was very popular in the Han Dynasty. According to the book "Baopuzi": "The gold and jade are in the nine orifices, so the dead will not be corrupt". The reason for holding pigs is that pigs can give birth to children, which represents wealth. The more they give birth, the more families will get rich, and the deceased will have wealth in their hands, and offspring will be rich. Holding a pig in the funeral goods not only has a symbol of wealth, but also has the function of showing the status of the owner of the tomb.

  A pair of two

   jade pigs, the texture is the best among Hetian topaz-"chicken oil topaz", the jade is pure and bright in color, which is extremely rare. The shape of the jade pig is well-proportioned, lying prone, with a small hole in the tail. The detailed features such as the face and limbs of the pig are accurately and vividly portrayed with skillful knife techniques and concise lines, with a typical "Han eight swords" style, which fully reflects the superb jade carving skills of the Han Dynasty. Yuzhu has a gentle expression, piercing eyes, and a calm expression, which is very lovely. It was selected as one of the Top Ten National Treasures of Jiangsu Province in the "National Treasure Exhibition of Jiangsu Province" in 2005.